Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I felt like being witty.

Even though I so uncomfortable now i will force myslef to get in the shower. Having a bladder infection is actually terrible. Don't get it. All i want to do is drink gallons of water, sleep and sleep. maybe eat. I have so much work to do. and i am tried of it.

So i copied Natty poo because this is the only album that makes me happy. Actually, right now I could listen to it probably over and over and over. and over.

aren't they so cute!

here, listen wisely, fall in love.

Monday, February 25, 2008


Sunday, February 24, 2008


What is superiority? dominance? Especially through genetics? What we inherit?

I find it disgusting how we can put things, silly things, before blood. (I could relate this to the misery signals song, but that would be cheesy) Silly things/beliefs always take advantage of our responsibilities and importances that should be our first priority - before anything. I find it fucking ridiculous how we be so careless and still assume it is meaningless, like nothing could change one own mindset because they are way to narrow minded and arrogant. Taking advantage of a situation is one thing, but taking advantage of another's faith in you, is repulsive. At such a young age you are able to learn from the beginning that you cannot rely on one the the two people in the world your suppose to - but you just learn to deal. But, totally you cannot hate this person, you can't turn your back or get away, because in all honesty it doesn't seem that bad over all, because you have learned to cope with the whole messed up situation. Like before it was bad, now it is worse. All we have is this and and to them, we are nothing but mere subject in the message given world. Like fuck, things shitty happen all the time but in a certain situation, I think, your mindset would transform from that, you would grow? No - further away you separate yourself from a true understanding of a family. As if i was the individual in the situation i would escape, but when THAT is all the individual has - THAT is what you grow to know and you come accustom to it.

If i ever become a person like that - desert me.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

sunrise, sunrise.

To end this eventful day, I listen to Norah Jones to help me attempt for the 3 time to fall asleep.

I can't sleep.

I am so tired.

This sucks.

As sad as this sounds, I can't sleep alone. If i am not sleeping with AK and I am with the roomie, and if not her, A Green and if not and I am alone - I don't sleep. Or I bring Dre in here but he makes so much noise and wants to leave. But how could I turn down this.

Too cute for life basically.

I woke up this morning with a throbbing head ache - it must have been the beer the night before. Oh, and flats in the winter are not a good idea. Do not do it. It is bad. I don't care how good you want to look, My feet almost fell off last night. But this morning was a hard attempt to get out of bed. After i finally got up, I had to say bye to AK - which I didn't like. But, i am going to windsor on tuesday so it should be fun. Got back to res, ate, and tried to regain proper thoughts. Erik came down to k-town and we drove home which was a sweet road trip.

Then once got home played some GH3. That is just what we do. And visited the Nikster at workie/my work. where she was workin hard like i told her to. hehe!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

valentines day.

Today is valentine's day. The hallmark holiday. I remember when i didn't have a date at the time i hated valentines day. Seriously there is no point to it, (omg homecoming just came on on random). But, there is actually no importance for this day other then to show the person you are with how much you care about them. when, i guess if you did it too often it wouldn't be as exciting , but you should do it randomly, and valentines day is just so cheesy. it is lame.

i found a funny picture of a gold fish today.

sometimes i wish i looked like that.

Friday, February 8, 2008

my rant about the typicals.

Today i returned home to the beautiful city of Toronto, honestly i was so excited to be home, I actually missed it. I missed the city i missed my friends, family, all that jazz. I meet up with nat at the Go station which was sweet cause I haven't seen her is forever. She had to work so she left, but it was awesome to see my sister for a while. But, you know i'll see everyone this weekend so i am excited. I meet up with my brothers on front street where we started our expedition to shop. Parked and walked. Out first stop, American apparel and i just have to say one thing. As much as i love it, its contents and the appeal to it, I hate everything about it. I hate the when I go in there I am immediately judged. I mean I can be a hypocrite because i jude people, and i know i do. I don't mean to judge people, but recently i have just become critical of everything. But, As i walk in, so excited from seeing my family and shopping, one of my favorite things to do, i get put into a bad mood. I actually can't have a ridiculous conversation with my family without someone in american apparel adding there opinion to the conversion. Even i don't do that. I know it shouldn't bother me, but it does. They have to be stuck-up enough to not have stupid conversations and be ridiculous. it is really irritating and i wish people would just get over themselves once in a while.

Not even that i am getting sick of american apparel. It is so expensive for stuff i can make for much cheaper. and after today i decided i am not going to buy anything. I still respect it for what it is and what it stands for and think it is a great cause, but especially in kingston, i am sick of wearing the same thing as everyone else. And like the whole 'trend' that comes along with places like american apparel is ridiculous and outrageous.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


Yeah I am flustered, so what? I actually woke up for my 8:30 tutorial today for art history and realized, in class I am the only only who appreciates photography as silly as it sounds. We talk about how a lot of photography is just documentations or people or events. but like it can be art too, right? like mug shots. They are documentations but what about andy warhols (even though I do like enjoy his work) he made print of mug shots. And out of everything it was his most interesting works.

personally it is like the only thing that is interesting he did.

A Green is sleeping in dana's bed, which I think is silly. Whenever one of us disappear for a night, the other is hear with him, it is sorta just how it works. I have been up since 8 and have done nothign really productive. I've looked at photo's that i could do for my painting and listened to some loud bands and got black tea all over my comforter. Which is awwweessommmeee. so now i am waiting on laundry and empire records to finish down loading.

I have A midterm tonight and I don't know how i feel about it. i studied for a long time last night. So long that i had to stop because i couldn't type properly anymore because everything was misspelled or doubled, basically nonsense.

i tottally forgot i was writing this because i was too busy enjoying old alkaline trio. soo good i miss them, well matt skiba. so cute!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

how my mind works.

I am not a very complicated person. In my up most efforts I try to be witty, but instead I think and translate everything through vibrations and vibrant appeal. I am putting all my effort into sitting up straight and studying but with the amount of coffee I have had my mind wonders and i begin to imagine things as outlined sketches. Just think of it as like that movie 'waking life' without the colours and shadows. Simply outlines. Everything is so simple and interesting. everything is just made up out cross hatching and lines. Fun eh?

for my next painting I get to paint anything I want. Fun? errrr hard. Immediately i was going to do an octopus. but then, natty poo helped my locate this beauty.

Get band by the name of Trash Talk, check them out. It is different from the hardcore that is out now, it is good. give them a listen. I am not positive if i will do this painting but the colours are great, most likely it will be something similar to this. Go it alone has some great photos too. But i want something with colour.

I have a midterm tomorrow. and should be working.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

my eyes burn.

So I haven't written in a while. I had a very eventful weekend, which started out with a beer, no dinner. awesome. Finally being able to enjoy the extradites of what the local kingston night life has to offer me, I snatch at the chance. Tokyo Police club and the Coast made their way to the lovely town of kingston. The coast opened with a half decent set, the guys were adorable and their music was catchy, basically a lot like TPC. But i got some good photos of them, so it was worth the front row experience.

he was adorable. But, TPC came on. they were good, they have so much energy when they preform which was amazing. The key boardist was actually fascinating to watch, he like flew across the stage making an amazing display and keeping me attentive because i didn't know their new songs that were being played.

I also went to montreal this weekend with the AK, which was super fun, and we at pizza everyday, which was gross, but soooo tastey at the same time. MOntreal seriously is so beautiful, it is like toronto but with greater esthetics's. Shopping wasn't amazing, not different then toronto, if not, not as good. But the hotel we stayed at was balllllaaaa. ;) I want that bed even though it is like like 3 and a half times bigger then the one i have now it is huuuggggeee.

We went to the casino, which was fun but almost died on the way there. Because of the storm the roads were terrible and the taxi driver thought it would be a fun idea to speed and almost hit the side of the wall, like 5 times. annyywaayyy, i didn't win a car or any money but it was fun.

when i got home i had like 3 project to do and almost died. Now I have to start a painting, complete and do well on a mid term for thursday and do an essay for monday that i don't want to do and pretend i am a lesbian for it. :@:@:@:@:@: sldkkjfsdvcsldvh not cool.

i have to clean my room,