Wednesday, February 6, 2008

how my mind works.

I am not a very complicated person. In my up most efforts I try to be witty, but instead I think and translate everything through vibrations and vibrant appeal. I am putting all my effort into sitting up straight and studying but with the amount of coffee I have had my mind wonders and i begin to imagine things as outlined sketches. Just think of it as like that movie 'waking life' without the colours and shadows. Simply outlines. Everything is so simple and interesting. everything is just made up out cross hatching and lines. Fun eh?

for my next painting I get to paint anything I want. Fun? errrr hard. Immediately i was going to do an octopus. but then, natty poo helped my locate this beauty.

Get band by the name of Trash Talk, check them out. It is different from the hardcore that is out now, it is good. give them a listen. I am not positive if i will do this painting but the colours are great, most likely it will be something similar to this. Go it alone has some great photos too. But i want something with colour.

I have a midterm tomorrow. and should be working.