Tuesday, January 15, 2008


this is why i love lolcats.

this is why i love james jean.


So, Mandi and Alex think my blogs are too short, hoes.
lawlz! In an attempt to make it to all my classes today i made it to a half a class in which i still have to do a 30 page reading. humm, reading readinng reading, i hate it. Also, i have a meeting with the DF today, about a noise complaint, which is lame sauce. She is supershort and has a a gulping voice. if that makes sense. it sounds like every time she is going to talk she takes a gulp of air and pushes it out when she takes. i don't like it. she is creeppyyy and kind of looks like a munchkin! (sorrry but it is true.)

I have to go to the studio and work on my 5 studies, and try to progress in painting, but it is lamesauce and i picked a super hard still like and i don;t get it. poop. i woke up at 6:30 am today. it was good.

anywho reads time.