Sunday, June 22, 2008

it's been a while

So i haven't written on here in a long long time, and it almost seems weird.
i miss it in a self expressive mystery kind of way, you know.

this weekend tired out to be a complete drain, minus the attendance of my amazing ak, that came down for almost a week and ahemm "missed" his train on friend. Which made me extraordinarily happy.
So from an accumulation of waiting at my fathers hand and foot and the distant help from my siblings, my weekend with my baby was overtaken by too many hours sitting in a energy powered car listening to hip hop and pondering about the seemingly endless traffic. So all in all, though happy to see my ak, the annoyance of my non responsive family made my week a bust as in, i wish it didn't happen, or so annoyed i wish i work, or most applicable i wish i was in windsor this weekend.

soon enough i will be in windsor soaking the sun and drinking iced coffees with my amazing ak. Or even higher hopes, I will be in Kingston soaking the rays in my house, in my room, with my room mates and late night sneak ins.

I want to bake. I want cookies or cupcakes so i can put effort into making. Or maybe i just want to sleep. Actually i just want to read, read a novel that is interesting or at least more interesting then my extremely boring life i hold.

Working at second cup is really, really becoming a drag. I enjoy the people and free coffee but 1. the hours suck with means a. i have so much time to do nothing and b. i have no money. and c. if i wanted to do something i have no money to do so. you know?
2. i just want to go to kingston so thinking about working to go back to pay for a house kills me. andd
3. i think we all know this reason, and i am just not going to say it because i am just getting repetitive.

i just want to take my kitty to kingston.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

for some reason, i am unbearably tired.
I don't know why, but i just was lying down and fell asleep like 6 times and worke up again.
and i am still so tired.
i hope i am not sick cause that would suck, incredibly.