Thursday, February 7, 2008


Yeah I am flustered, so what? I actually woke up for my 8:30 tutorial today for art history and realized, in class I am the only only who appreciates photography as silly as it sounds. We talk about how a lot of photography is just documentations or people or events. but like it can be art too, right? like mug shots. They are documentations but what about andy warhols (even though I do like enjoy his work) he made print of mug shots. And out of everything it was his most interesting works.

personally it is like the only thing that is interesting he did.

A Green is sleeping in dana's bed, which I think is silly. Whenever one of us disappear for a night, the other is hear with him, it is sorta just how it works. I have been up since 8 and have done nothign really productive. I've looked at photo's that i could do for my painting and listened to some loud bands and got black tea all over my comforter. Which is awwweessommmeee. so now i am waiting on laundry and empire records to finish down loading.

I have A midterm tonight and I don't know how i feel about it. i studied for a long time last night. So long that i had to stop because i couldn't type properly anymore because everything was misspelled or doubled, basically nonsense.

i tottally forgot i was writing this because i was too busy enjoying old alkaline trio. soo good i miss them, well matt skiba. so cute!