Friday, February 8, 2008

my rant about the typicals.

Today i returned home to the beautiful city of Toronto, honestly i was so excited to be home, I actually missed it. I missed the city i missed my friends, family, all that jazz. I meet up with nat at the Go station which was sweet cause I haven't seen her is forever. She had to work so she left, but it was awesome to see my sister for a while. But, you know i'll see everyone this weekend so i am excited. I meet up with my brothers on front street where we started our expedition to shop. Parked and walked. Out first stop, American apparel and i just have to say one thing. As much as i love it, its contents and the appeal to it, I hate everything about it. I hate the when I go in there I am immediately judged. I mean I can be a hypocrite because i jude people, and i know i do. I don't mean to judge people, but recently i have just become critical of everything. But, As i walk in, so excited from seeing my family and shopping, one of my favorite things to do, i get put into a bad mood. I actually can't have a ridiculous conversation with my family without someone in american apparel adding there opinion to the conversion. Even i don't do that. I know it shouldn't bother me, but it does. They have to be stuck-up enough to not have stupid conversations and be ridiculous. it is really irritating and i wish people would just get over themselves once in a while.

Not even that i am getting sick of american apparel. It is so expensive for stuff i can make for much cheaper. and after today i decided i am not going to buy anything. I still respect it for what it is and what it stands for and think it is a great cause, but especially in kingston, i am sick of wearing the same thing as everyone else. And like the whole 'trend' that comes along with places like american apparel is ridiculous and outrageous.