Saturday, January 26, 2008

at home on a saturday night.

So, it is about 11:40 on a exceptionally nice Saturday night. Not that I can complain, i don't have a fake id, and was unable to enjoy what the classy Ale house had to offer me on a fine night like this. But I choose to stay in a explore the wonders on the internet and frantic downloads to make up for the excitement I have, Unfortunately missed out on. I could say that night was unbearable, but I discovered this wonderful band called Beirut, and they are amazing. It is a mix of Owen Palette meets Devandra with music lessons from members of Grizzly Bear. It is a strong suggestion to check then out, his voice is really unique and the Bango gives it a nice feel. Alos, they make me feel like my exploration through numerous web links feel more like an adventure then a cover for my unimpressive boredom. Not to mention that i am sick, once again. It really doesn't makes any sense. I just got better or started to feel as it i was getting better and NOPE! i am ill and tired and bored, and those three mixed together are never good and could lead to ridiculous results. I have this endless congested feeling and I can't breath, well i can but i hate when you are sleeping and you have to breath through your mouth. You either end up snoring or drooling, both of which are extremely embarrassing and uncomfortable.

Now i have moved on to attacking the downloading program. One, it doesn't work and two, i can never find anything remotely interesting on it when it decides to work. I saw the trailer, well Jek told me about it, this movie called Eagle vs. shark. I heard about it before and it is by the same people as the Squid and the Whale and i did not enjoy that movie. I mean it was good and interesting but after the movie i hated everyone in it and left me feeling uncomfortable. I guess in a way the would classify it as a good movie because in the end i did feel something, whether is was good or bad. Still, maybe i'll give it another chance because everyone seems determined to get it through my head that it is ... sooooooo goooodddddddddddd.

I guess that I could do work and actually get stuff done. I am so far behind in school, i am drowning in work it is unbelievable. To make matters worse I signed up for a Womens studies course. It woudn't be so bad if we actually learned what we are arguing about but no, instead we sit there listening to my professor implant these ideas in our heads that us women are doomed for life. When in my opinion if we stopped dwelling about this things would probably get much better.

Anywhoo, i feel so sick. gn'igt