Friday, July 25, 2008

ok, so in spite -

I spite i will.....

believe a liar as a figure to a trusting daughter.
take as much form one as i can.
Leave to never deal with the situation.

All very ridiculous and upsetting to think, 'hey, this is a good idea.' Which it is not. And finally i got to the point where i feel as if I am being unreasonable or more like it irrational to a person i am suppose to confide in through every aspect of life. I just don't see how a person can being so unbearably two-faced and narrowminded at the same time. As if making the decision to start the a family was forced in the beginning. To add a point it probably was just because, they, as in, this person I am reffering to doesn't know how to raise a family, because they were:
a) never taught
b) never cared
c) never had a chance
d) never had time.
or e) stuck in a bad situation and left with something already started without you.

I can understand the situation, and i really don't like it.

i hate living at home.

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